Version 2.5.0 of the documentation is no longer actively maintained. The site that you are currently viewing is an archived snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Phaedra 2.0

Phaedra 2.0 is the next-generation open source platform for High Content Analysis, Evaluation and QC. Use it to:

  • Import huge data volumes from local, network or cloud storage
  • Define plate layout definitions in Phaedra, or integrate with your own plate definition system to retrieve them automatically
  • Define protocols to compute features, normalizations, and other types of calculation
  • Configure those features for automatic fitting of dose-response curves
  • Visualize data, both raw and calculated, using various tables, charts, image viewers, etc.
  • Perform data validation using a controlled, secure and auditable approval flow
  • Retrieve data into downstream processing apps or environments using one of Phaedra’s public APIs
  • Future updates will bring many additional functionalities, such as automated report generation, Python scripting, and much more.

As the successor to version 1.x, Phaedra 2.0 is built up from scratch using extremely scalable, modern, cloud-friendly technology, all of it open source:

  • Containerized using Docker and Kubernetes
  • Event-driven, decentralized architecture with a RESTful API, a GraphQL API, and extensive support for event streaming
  • Customizable and extensible through various programming languages such as R and JavaScript
  • Secured by OAuth2 technology, and bundled with a Keycloak server that can interface with virtually all enterprise identity and access providers
  • High performance OpenJPEG image codec, for efficient compression and real-time rendering of images of any resolution


Phaedra 2.0 is freely available and released under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.

All Phaedra 2.0 source code can be found on GitHub.