Version 2.5.0 of the documentation is no longer actively maintained. The site that you are currently viewing is an archived snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Components Overview


Browse Projects

Displays a list of all available projects. From this component, you can open the Browse Experiments and Project Details

Project Details

Shows details for the most recently selected project from the project list. If no project is selected, this section will be empty.


Browse Experiments

Displays a list of experiments related to the selected projects. If no project is selected, this section will be empty. From this component, you can open the Browse Plates, Experiment Details and Experiment’s Plate Trend

Experiment Details

Shows details for the most recently selected experiment from the experiments list. If no experiment is selected, this section will be empty.

Experiment’s Plate Trend

Displays the plate trend for the most recently selected experiment. If no experiment is selected, this section will be empty.


Browse Plates

Displays a list of plates related to the selected experiments. If no experiment is selected, this section will be empty. From this component, you can open the Browse Wells, Plate Details, ScatterPlot 2D, Boxplot, 1D Histogram, Experiment’s Plate Trend and Heatmap

Plate Details

Shows details for the most recently selected plate from the plates list. If no plate is selected, this section will be empty.

Scatterplot 2D

Displays a 2D scatterplot for the most recently selected plate. If no plate is selected, this section will be empty.


Shows a boxplot for the most recently selected plate. If no plate is selected, this section will be empty.

1D Histogram

Displays a 1D histogram for the most recently selected plate. If no plate is selected, this section will be empty.


Browse Wells

Displays a list of wells related to the selected plates. If no plate is selected, this section will be empty. From this component, you can open the Well Details, and Heatmap

Well Details

Shows details for the most recently selected well from the wells list. If no well is selected, this section will be empty.


Displays a heatmap for the most recently selected plate. If no plate is selected, this section will be empty.