

Released on Sep 30, 2024

  • Source code on GitHub, tagged 2.2.0
  • JAR files on OpenAnalytics Nexus
  • Docker images on the OpenAnalytics Registry: e.g.: docker pull


New Features and Improvements
  • QueryService API: added new GraphQL endpoints for querying with flexible filters
  • PlateService API: improved performance of large object listings including object metadata
  • PlateService API: added endpoints to retrieve individual projects, experiments, plates and wells by ID
  • MetadataService API: added endpoint to retrieve metadata for many objects at once
  • Calculation: improved handling and reporting of calculation errors
  • UI: when (re)setting a plate’s layout, a dialog will pop up asking for plate recalculation
  • UI: new Well page, showing detailed Well information. Can be accessed by opening (double-clicking) a Well from a Plate
  • UI: Protocol owners can now manage the versions of formulas used in their features and feature statistics
  • UI: Admins can now manage default feature statistics globally
Notable Bugfixes
  • Calculation: fixed issue with parsing NaN values on the R script engine worker
  • UI: fixed missing well rejection symbols on scatter plots
  • UI: fixed selection interaction between dose-response curves and the plate layout/heatmap


Released on Aug 23, 2024

  • Source code on GitHub, tagged 2.1.0
  • JAR files on OpenAnalytics Nexus
  • Docker images on the OpenAnalytics Registry: e.g.: docker pull


New Features and Improvements
  • New service: QueryService, which has API endpoints to query flexible combinations of data across multiple services
  • New feature: “Export Well Data” and “Export Plate List” to create XLSX exports of selected data
  • Calculation: all feature statistic calculations are now using R formulas
  • Calculation: the JavaStat worker has been deprecated in favor of the R worker
  • UI: image viewer: improved error handling and feedback
  • UI: streamlined all tables and unified their appearance and behaviour
  • UI: moved the “New Plate” form from a section to a dialog for better clarity
  • UI: added a button to quickly create Plate(s) from Measurement(s)
  • UI: content assist now appears when entering a Measurement column name in a Formula input variable
  • UI: added a “Re-submit” button to the DC Jobs table to quickly re-run a DC job
  • PlateService API: added endpoint to retrieve experiment by ID
  • PlateService API: allow linking measurement during plate creation if the measurement ID is known
  • ResultDataService API: added endpoint to retrieve feature stats by feature ID
  • Internal caching switched from EHCache to Caffeine
Notable Bugfixes
  • API Gateway: fixed access issue for the Swagger and OpenAPI pages
  • Calculation: fixed calculation failure on plates with samples that have no substance name
  • Pipelines: removed some excessive logging so trigger logs are easier to read
  • ResultDataService: fixed issue by updating the ModelMapper dependency to 3.2.0
  • UI: fixed the “Show Well Image” and “Show DRC” actions in the Plate view
  • UI: fixed default sorting on several tables, including DC Jobs and Measurements
  • UI: fixed error when opening the Pipeline Execution details panel
  • UI: fixed the Well List table to show also when no feature data is present
  • UI: fixed the Plate Status flag tooltips


Released on July 6, 2024

  • Source code on GitHub, tagged 2.0.6
  • JAR files on OpenAnalytics Nexus
  • Docker images on the OpenAnalytics Registry: e.g.: docker pull


New Features and Improvements
  • Moved to Java 21, Spring 3.3.1
  • Image viewer: performance improvements
  • Chart views: interactions through well selections improved
  • Chart views: option to plot well metadata
  • New chart view: Plate Trend chart
  • Plate calculation: improved UI notifications
  • MeasurementService: enabled actuator endpoints for monitoring
Notable Bugfixes
  • Image viewer: fixed application of contrast range and other on-the-fly settings
  • OpenJPEG codec: fixed crash on Windows backends
  • Chart views: fixed filter on datasets whose plate calculation status is not OK
  • Calculation: fixed missing feature stats (plate-level vs welltype-level)
  • Calculation: fixed retrieval of curve prediction plots in case of fit failures
  • Calculation: fixed filtering of rejected datapoints


Released on June 6, 2024

  • Source code on GitHub, tagged 2.0.5
  • JAR files on OpenAnalytics Nexus
  • Docker images on the OpenAnalytics Registry: e.g.: docker pull


New Features and Improvements
  • DataCapture: improved scalability by delegating script execution to scriptengine-js-workers
  • DataCapture: added support for capturing large volumes of subwelldata
  • PlateService: added GraphQL endpoint to retrieve active measurements for multiple plates
  • PlateService: added Layout Link info to the Experiment Summary endpoint
  • ResultData: added support for retrieving multiple welltype/resultset stats in one call
  • CalculationService: added endpoint for retrieving the status of multiple resultsets
  • CalculationService: added endpoint for submitting calculation of a protocol on multiple plates in one call
  • CalculationService: drastically improved performance of subwelldata-based formulas
  • CalculationService: improved error handling and reporting during calculation
  • UI: added option to recalculate whole experiment at once
  • UI: added option to link plates to layout or measurement for whole experiment at once
  • UI: added tooltips to various table headers
Notable Bugfixes
  • PlateService: fixed issue when linking multiple templates to a plate
  • PlateService: fixed issue with well substance info not always showing latest state
  • UI: fixed issue when filtering various tables by plate dimensions
  • UI: fixed issue causing it to forget feature selections when switching between tabs
  • UI: fixed oversized mini-heatmaps in the experiment heatmap view
  • UI: cleanup of right-click menus in various places
  • UI: fixed issue with setting input variables on feature formulas


Released on April 26, 2024

  • Source code on GitHub, tagged 2.0.4
  • JAR files on OpenAnalytics Nexus
  • Docker images on the OpenAnalytics Registry: e.g.: docker pull


New Features and Improvements
  • DataCapture: added support for capturing data from XLS(X) files
  • DataCapture: added more detailed capture job (info or error) events
  • DataCapture: upgraded base to node:21
  • DataCapture: optimized Kafka connect/disconnect behaviour
  • DataCapture: optimized Kafka messaging structure for saving of subwelldata
  • DataCapture: automatically strip whitespace from source paths
  • MeasurementService: added endpoint to retrieve all unique welldata and subwelldata columns across all measurements
  • MetadataService: added support for user-defined vs system-controlled metadata (tags and properties)
  • PlateService: added support to add metadata during plate/experiment/project creation
  • PlateService: added endpoint to delete multiple plates in one call
  • PlateService: added support for well rejection and plate validation and approval
  • PlateService: added endpoint to link multiple plates with a measurement in one call
  • PlateService: added endpoints to cloning and moving plates
  • ChartingService: added support for plotting well properties
  • ChartingService: added support for group-by method
  • UI: DataCapture: added support for submitting multiple readout files at once
  • UI: upgraded Quasar to v2.15.1
  • UI: added support for linking multiple plates with a layout in one go
  • UI: migrated from Vuex to Pinia state store
  • UI: show protocol tags in the protocol list
  • UI: added Updated On, Updated By columns to the plate template list
  • UI: made the Navigator collapsible
  • UI: refresh charts when the plate selection changes
  • UI: added support for selecting (single-click) items in tables vs opening them (double-click)
  • UI: for feature formula source columns, provide content assist by listing existing column names
Notable Bugfixes
  • DataCapture: clean up incomplete Measurements on capture job cancel/failure
  • DataCapture: fixed metadata saving happening after the capture job finishes
  • MeasurementService: ignore Kafka messages with invalid content instead of replaying them
  • MetadataService: fixed issue with tag deletion
  • ChartingService: fixed NPE when a well being plot doesn’t contain any substance
  • UI: fixed error when closing the last chart tab
  • UI: restored icon sizes that got reduced in a previous update
  • UI: fixed padding issues around Dashboard
  • UI: fixed incorrect sorting on ID columns in various tables


Released on Feb 23, 2024

  • Source code on GitHub, tagged 2.0.3
  • JAR files on OpenAnalytics Nexus
  • Docker images on the OpenAnalytics Registry: e.g.: docker pull