Plate Layout Templates
A plate layout template defines how the plate looks like, for example a plate layout can define witch wells are marked as control wells (high/low control) and which wells are marked as sample wells. Next to well type definition, the user can also for every well set a substance type and number of even enter substance concentration. This plate layout templates can later be applied/linked on existing plates as plate definition.

Create a template
To create a new plate layout template, go to the Plate Layouts/New Template… menu item in the Phaedra Navigator.

A New Template form will appear:

- Fill in the
for the plate template - Fill in the
(optional) for the plate template - Fill in the number of
for the plate template - Fill in the number of
for the plate template - Click
button to create the plate layout and you be redirected to:

Initially you will see an empty plate template layout. To make it meaningful to use, you’ll need to update the plate layout template.
- To skip wells (skipped wells are ignored) select the wells and click on
- Click
button to save the plate layout template changes

- To set the well types got to Well Type tab
- To set the well types, select the wells and select a well type from the input field and click

- Click
button to save the plate layout template changes
After defining the well type you might want to also set substance type and numbers for specific wells.
- To set the well substance types and numbers click on the Substance tab

- Select the wells you want to add substance type and name to
- Fill in the
Substance Type
and click - Fill in the
Substance Name
and click
The updated layout template view should look something like:

- Click
button to save the plate layout template changes
Final step is to set the Substance concentrations for specific wells.
- To set the substance concentrations click on the Concentration tab

You will notice that the concentration values are by default set to 0.
- To set the concentrations select the wells you want to update
- Fill in the
value (in Molar (M)) and click

- Click
button to save the plate layout template changes
After successfully completing all the above steps, you’ll have now created a plate layout template that can be linked to any plate that matches the dimensions.
Create a template from a json file
Under construction!
Viewing a template
In order to view details of a specific plate layout template navigate to the Plate Layouts/Templates menu item in the Phaedra Navigator.

An overview table of all the plate layout templates will be displayed:

- To view the details of a specific plate layout template click on one of the rows (e.g. previously created)
- You’ll be navigated to the plate layout template details page:

Editing a template
To Edit a existing template follow the steps from View Template and Create Template sections.
Do not forget to click in order to save your changes!